This chapter examines the effects of social origin and educational attainment on occupational outcomes at the time of labour market entry in Switzerland. The authors contend that, in this country, the transition from school to work is largely unexplored. The association between particular origin classes and specific mobility chances in the labour market is addressed, which will give some insights into both the intergenerational reproduction of social inequality in Switzerland and the prevailing process of social mobility. The authors hope to answer, at least partially, the question of whether class origin is associated with specific mobility chances which cannot be accounted for by conceptualising social origin purely in terms of individual resources. However, the main purpose of the chapter is to identify the extent to which, and the ways in which, institutional characteristics of the educational system and class barriers shape the effects of social origin and education on occupational outcomes at labour market entry.Li, Jiang Hong, Marlis Buchmann, Markus König & Stefan Sacchi (1998). ‘Patterns of Mobility for Women in Female-Dominated Occupations: An Event-History Analysis of Two Birth Cohorts of Swiss Women’. European Sociological Review 14 (1): 49-67.
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